Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is Superlan USA?

    • Superlan USA is a skincare brand committed to providing natural and effective solutions for various skin concerns, specializing in Lanolin-based creams.
  2. How do I use Superlan products?

    • Usage instructions are provided on each product's packaging. Generally, apply a small amount to clean, dry skin as needed.
  3. Are Superlan products safe for sensitive skin?

    • Yes! Our products are hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Conduct a patch test if you have specific concerns.
  4. Do you offer international shipping?

    • Currently, we only offer shipping within the United States. Stay tuned for updates on international shipping.
  5. What is your return policy?

    • We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Check our Return Policy for details on returns and exchanges.
  6. Is Superlan cruelty-free?

    • Absolutely! We are proud to be cruelty-free and do not test our products on animals.
  7. Can I use Superlan while pregnant or breastfeeding?

    • Yes, our products are safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, if you have specific concerns, consult with your healthcare provider.
  8. How long does shipping take?

    • Standard shipping takes 5-7 business days, while Priority Shipping (available at $4.99) delivers within 1-3 business days. Check our Shipping Policy for details.
  9. Are your products suitable for children?

    • Yes, our Lanolin Lite Moisturizer is suitable for children. For specific concerns, consult with a healthcare professional.
  10. Can I reach customer service after business hours?

  • Our customer service is available during business hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time). Contact us at
  1. Are Superlan products vegan?
    • Our products contain lanolin, a natural substance derived from sheep's wool. While lanolin is not vegan, it is cruelty-free.